What’s going on folks. Just wanted to come on here and offer some hope. Many of you are stating that you’ve been dealing with vertigo for prolonged periods of time. 6 months even. I had my first attack when i was 9 years old. Im 27 now. I had a long football career in between that and a few concussions. I was a running back. I some how managed to escape symptoms mostly through out high school. Upon finishing football, i came to find my vertigo was settling in like a vengeance. Many of you may not know but being a running back requires loads of balance. So vertigo is the perfect Achilles heal. For about three years after my career came to an end, i struggled. I was lost and saw many different specialist for Auto immune disorders like MS, etc. everything came back clear. Well, i decided to get to the bottom of it. I went 3 years symptom free by simply recalling my life. While playing football i had a great diet, i also constantly tested my vestibular system as a byproduct, and got loads of hydration and vitamin D via sunlight, my neck was also constantly being forced to adjust.
Please, use this information.
- Find a good chiropractor
- Water is the way
- If you feel dizzy, do it dizzy. Don’t go gently, into that dark room on your back, stay on your feet. Believe it or not, standing up makes the spins end sooner.
- Train like an athlete, even if it scares you. Start slow and build up. Don’t shy away from bending movements, they suck but help more than they hurt.
- Take VITAMIN D, TUMUERIC, B12, and ashwaganda daily
- RUN. Like your life depends on it. At first you will run a quarter a mile and then a year later just like me you can run 7 miles without symptoms.
- Heat exposure, use the sauna. 5-20 minutes.
- A good therapist and physical therapist . I believe i have one of the best in the nation, look her up. Dr. Gaye Cronin at vestibular Atlanta. She created for me a vertigo workout essentially. About 7 therapy exercises to do FOREVER that made my nystagmus and vestibular neuritis disappear. They are your worse night mare but unlike Achilles, we must train our heel. Her best quote to me is “ the cure to motion sickness is not stopping motion altogether, but doing even more motion”.
Vertigo is a fear related disease. The more afraid you are, the more likely it will occur. I weened off all meds. Meclizine lost its touch, i tried every natural supplement on Amazon from vertigone to IEB. Zofran works but at what cost? Dependency? We want to live free but life is not fair. Train with an embrace. You’re not dying you just have a problem. One that will never go away. Adjust your mind to solutions instead of retreating.
I recently had a relapse.
Here’s what changed. I stopped going outside as much, diet sank due to traveling, alcohol intake definitely increased and water intake decreased, i ran less and trained less, i stopped doing my exercises and stopped taking my supplements, i also stopped seeing my chiropractor. Basically i got busy and lazy, and boom. Just like that.
Please, guys. Fight. Don’t go gently into the dark night. It’s not cancer, it’s vertigo.