Tingling with vertigo?

I was admitted to the ER, as I was really really dizzy and my feet and one arm kept tingling. They ruled out a stroke, as my MRI and CT were clear. Two of the drs I saw said my one eyeball was vibrating? But self corrected quickly, so they believed it was vertigo. The vertigo person came in, did a maneuver and then told me “i didn’t see it” I have a follow up with an ENT next week as my MRI revealed I have a blockage in my sinus. Meanwhile, I am miserable. The meclizine helps a little, but I am so dizzy and I still have pins and needles in my feet off an on. Has anyone else felt this way? The ER ran a complete blood count and like I said, an MRI and CT and everything was normal except for the blockage. They did say I had herniated disks in my neck. Sorry, I’m sooooo miserable, the symptoms are scary and I feel like people think I’m exaggerating. Just looking to relate a bit.