I just don't like defiance of the fall anymore
Defiance of the fall started off as a REALLY good series even if a bit generic with the initial plot. the worldbuilding of this series was THE BEST I've ever had the pleasure to read too. but then the bullshit happened. like the draugr stuff there's no frikin way that actually passed off as a thing. and the void emperor and ultom stuff too, takes op mc to ANOTHER level which I quite frankly, do not like. The last breaking point for me was somewhere near chapter 1150 when I was DONE like at this point the plot was -: zack builds up a million things to do in a previous book goes around doing that then some bullshit happened(which in this case was the technocrat agent and shit) then he goes around to doing those things again with some surprises mixed in and repeat. like what even is this shit