How do you guys even continue DoTF?
Important Disclaimer : I love the series, it is my mental health not liking it. Also, spoilers till book 10.
The series is really well written and the author is fantastic at his job. I can't. for my life, complete the book once I read its first 4 chapters. It is just impossible at this point, despite how well disciplined I was until this damned series. This is like drugs but with post nut clarity. Because, after completing a book, it is gets hard to start the next book. The only one where that wasn't an issue was the twilight harbor arc's books.
I get it, Zac is but a small insect who has even reached peak of E grade in a world where C and D grades are abundant. Especially a cultivation world with its exponential nature. Him being throw around like ragdoll is expected and I can't expect asspulls where he turns the situation on them. I love that for its consistency and sensibility.
I hate that for how it makes me feel masochistic. Having your MC always on one wound or another, with near complete mutilation every mini arc completely drains my reserves once I complete a book (Thank god for the Orum's arc, I never thought I would want more of a prisoner/slave arc this much). How do you all even keep up with this shit? I am want to read this forever like some drug addict but the moment I stop, I get hit with the largest whips of post nut clarity.
And no, I can't and won't stop reading this series. At this point, I wonder if I should get some addiction therapy or something.