Feeling Blue About Shooting
Y'all ever get kinda down about this hobby/sport? As left leaning/liberal/otherwise not right-wing shooters, it gets kind of isolating trying to enjoy shooting. I don't really have a lot of friends who care about shooting enough to go with me, my girlfriend barely tolerates it and, at best tunes out when I talk about whatever or, at worst, gets annoyed with me. As a liberal, the few other places I inhabit tend to be very anti gun, and any mention of it is met with hostility. Its also very hard to do anything more than be politely friendly with the other shooters around me at matches or the range because of the obvious political divide there.
So, I tend to do all my shooting alone. I don't have a lot of people to talk to, shoot with or nerd out about stuff other than here in this subreddit. It gets kinda lonely, I'm not gonna lie! Its still a thing I enjoy, and I don't think I'm going to quit, but it does get frustrating not really being able to share something with like minded people.
Anyway, hope all y'all had a good holiday and got cool stuff.
Edit: lot more responses to this than I was expecting. I see yoh and I love all of you and we are dating now just fyi.