[ONLINE] [5E] Everyone's A Magical Girl!

Looking for 3-6 Players. Message me if you want to be a part of it!! Looking for an additional 2-5 players for a second group in the same world!! The first group is filled!

First requirements: If the idea of a somewhat silly campaign where every player character is a magical girl doesn't sound like something that you'll be willing to commit to, then don't join this.
In a new concept for a campaign, I found my inspiration, magical girls.
The system is 5E with a homebrew class and a homebrewed magic system. (the homebrew rules are in a google doc, which I will share once I get every player in a discord server.)
The world is almost exactly the same as ours in the modern-day. The vast majority of the human world has no idea of the existence of magic. Except for you (and a few "unlucky" others.)
I'll allow the players to choose a city from the real world as their home.
Everyone is human. (variant or base as the PHB)
Every player character should be a female child. (8-10)
Player characters will attend school in the game. [though this likely won't be a central part of the campaign, it's a part of the story.]
Player characters should have living families(of some sort) and a group of friends in their backstories.
Milestone leveling is in place. To level, you will have to meet specific milestones at certain points. This means that later on, a more successful character in meeting those milestones may be as much as 2 levels higher than the rest of the party.
Violence is almost always inadvisable. Fights are not necessary at all for progression.
The campaign probably will be comedic in nature, but I'm looking for players who are willing to take the game seriously and put the time and effort into playing well.
Special Rules:
--Character Creation:
--Roll for stats, and drop the lowest roll, replacing it with a 16.
--At level 1, every character will be allowed to take a free Ability Score Increase or Feat (on top of the feat that the Variant Human is given for Variant Human characters.)
--Every character should know the local language (treat it as common.) Any other languages MUST be explained in their backstory. If the campaign takes place in Manhattan (for example), there had better be a reason that your character can speak Azerbaijani.
--I would like for characters to already know each other based in their backstories, but we'll have session 0 for that.
--Just for fun: your character should have a "Theme Color" (not black, white, or grey).
--All characters should have at least 4 traits, 2 ideals, 2 bonds, and 2 flaws.
--If you speak to me about it beforehand, 2 additional, major, debilitating flaws may be taken at character creation as an exchange for an additional Ability Score Increase or Feat.
--Every character should have proficiency with one musical instrument. The character's attachment to this instrument should be explained in their backstory. (This proficiency is included in the homebrew class.)
--Instead of Copper/Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum, all money will be differed to as Coins and Bills for simplicity (no matter where it is in the world) 100c=1b.
--Your character should start with 10b for money regardless of their background.
--If your character is an out-and-out asshole with no reason in their traits(etc.) or backstory for being this way, I will have no remorse for them being this way. Mark my words.
--Most notably: Most humans don't know about magic for good reason. If you are caught by a human who isn't already aware of magic while you are using magic, you risk losing your character due to an ancient curse!
--Monsters are virtually non-existent and getting into fights with humans is unlikely, so don't expect a combat-focused campaign.
--Spells will be treated differently with for this campaign (explained in better detail in the homebrew class.) This means that a first-level character could technically cast a 9th level spell with limited effect, whereas a twentieth level character could cast a cantrip to massive effect. On top of this, the vast majority of spells will essentially cost a large sum of money, so success in this campaign will likely be as a result of clever play, and not aggressive play good rolls.
--Magic Items of the higher rarities (rare/very rare/legendary/artifact) are extremely rare but extremely powerful. Less common magic items are quite easy to come by, but not very powerful. There is no maximum number of attuned items, and your character will be attuned to 3 magic items from the very start of the campaign. (explained in further detail in the homebrew class.)
--Loss of character without absurdly bad play or worse rolls is relatively unlikely, that being said, it is possible. The campaign setting allows for new player characters to not be too difficult to introduce.
--Natural 20s will always be considered as Critical Successes and will yield great results as opposed to Natural 1s which will always be critical failures and yield terrible results. It does not matter what the roll is for.
--For the entire campaign, every player character will be allowed one "Perfect Moment." A player can announce that they are using this at any time, and will be granted a full turn, or a perfect roll on any check or initiative.
--If you are somehow in such a situation, you will receive one free success at the start of rolling any death saves.
--The rule of cool ALWAYS outways the book, but the rule of making sense, sometimes outweighs the rule of cool.
--If I make a ruling, don't argue with me on it, it'll only take everyone out of the game. If you have to, talk to me about it after the session. I'm completely willing to talk then, but taking everyone out of the game for 5 minutes to discuss a rule just isn't ok unless it's a life or death situation, in which case, I'll probably pick what doesn't kill the party unless it's really deserved because just killing people isn't really a fun way to play DnD. (especially in a concept campaign like this one.)
--Diplomacy, Diplomacy, Diplomacy! Using proper dialogue and skill checks mixed in with it can be enough in MOST situations.
--Skill checks! Don't ask to make a skill check, tell me what you're doing, and I'll tell you to make any checks that I feel are necessary. If I don't tell you what checks to make, assume that you either failed (only if something is completely and literally impossible, like seeing something invisible without magical help, or jumping 45 feet into the air, also without magical help.) or succeeded automatically.
--Honestly, don't be a jerk and have a good time. That's a rule in my campaigns. If you're not enjoying it, find an opportune time (probably at the end of the session. Don't break the flow of the game unless you absolutely have to please), and fucking tell me, I don't want people sitting around hating my campaign because then it's a waste of everyone's time. I'd like to fix what you don't like about the game so that everyone is able to enjoy it. Obviously, I can't just have everyone 100% happy with everything, I'm not that naive, but I'm willing to try to make sure that everyone is at least enjoying themselves.
--Mentioned it a few times, but as far as breaking the flow of the game, try not to. If you have to excuse yourself to the restroom or an important call or whatever, do so discreetly. The game may continue slowly without you, but for the most part, I'll pause and wait for you. with that said, if you feel like it will take a long time for you, please let me know so that I don't hold up the whole game for an extended period of time while you do something else.
--I'm accepting newer players, but I'd like for everyone to have at least a basic understanding of tabletops. If you don't completely understand the rules of 5e, or ttrpgs in general, that's fine, but ask if you need help.

Feel free to ask me any questions that you have. I'll answer any and all of them.