WTT: Wave Cannon Zero, Talon Dual Drive, More WTTF: Science Mother, ACV-1, Layers, ??
YO - this week i'm mostly trying an exercise in unobtanium as i'm very happy with my board as is. A good amount of stuff I want to try though!
- JHS Overdrive Preamp - $80 shipped (venmo)
a homebrew fuzz face i cant get open, so, you can't have a gut shot, but you can have my assurance that it sounds pretty cool. - ask me to toss this in with another trade or ill sell it cheap (venmo)Finch electronics colors (someone painted this with some clear glittery stuff. you know who you are)- A beat metalzone with some rando solderless mods (dont know a lot about this)
Probably only towards specific wants below
Caroline Wave Cannon ZeroTRADEDCBA Tonal Recall Blue (toward Dark World only, probably)TRADEDCBA WV MK1 (black, wood box. Older, great condition, dip switches on the back rather than the front. a paint chip missing on the back near one of the screws. only leaves if i get an ACV-1)TRADED- Talon Electric Dual Drive (Talon x Fantasy Initiative Dungeon Colorway)
also i have a fuckload of zip ties and zip tie mounts so if we're already trading and you want some please say so!
- science mother pre
- Asheville Analoger ACV1
- Lichtlaerm - Untiefe, transcendence
- MXR Layers
- Cool stuff, but i've tried lots
The weak point of my board is verbs right now, so- OFFERS