Stranger is claiming our hunting property is his, and won’t leave.

Some preamble:

Posting on behalf of my boyfriend, who owns the land that is being questioned.

-I am well aware the GIS can be off, even by 200 feet in some cases.

-The other party refused to talk or tell us where his camp is. I got his full name only after going to the county office.

-“Get a survey!” Easier said than done with how large of a cost that would be given it is inaccessible by car, and some on the borders are in water/swamp. Will do this if it’s the last resort. This is a COSTLY option when your property is in the middle of the woods with no easily visible landmarks, pins, stakes, etc.

TLDR: Guy is on our hunting land saying it’s his. Refuses to dispute it with us. Says he’s using the same map that shows him smack dab in our land, and won’t leave. Wondering what options we have to dispute this civilly and hopefully to avoid a massive bill for a survey.


My boyfriend’s father bought a parcel of 50 acres a few properties away from the main camp parcel about 20 years ago. We have permission to cross land to get to said parcel. His father transferred him the land about 10 years ago. It is not often hunted since there are a lot of neighbouring camps to the main parcel that we share land and do party hunting with. After some land we had permission to use was sold to a new owner, we have to change up our spots a little. Perfect time to use his land.

We went out yesterday to scope out the property lines using a GPS and GIS maps. I know the lines aren’t accurate, but it should give us a good estimate on where we can and can’t go. We also put up a few flagging tape markers to remember.

About 2 acres into his land, we find a man set up with a deer feeder and free standing deer blind. We introduce ourselves and say that this is titled to my bf, offer to show him the map and our GPS lines. He refuses to come down to chat, and says he’s been here 50 years (was barely even 50 years old). He also says he uses the GIS and states this is his land and he has checked, but has not had a land survey done. He says he doesn’t want to see the map and that he will be staying. He also could not give us a general area where his property starts and stops. We asked incase we were close to a line, and he seemed to have no idea or didn’t care.

Since it’s rifle season, and we all had guns, we walked away. We still intend to hunt this land, but are unsure of what our options are moving forward. We don’t want to run into strangers on our land during hunting season for multiple reasons. If he had been more cordial, we probably also could’ve worked it out, but that’s doesn’t currently seem like an option.

I went to the county office to confirm he was the land holder, and to see if my map matched theirs, and it did exactly. We have the land deed, and the land we were on is under my boyfriend’s name.

I don’t think he was aware that that parcel of land sold 20 years ago and he could be misunderstood, but I don’t see us getting to sit down with this guy casually to discuss this. Again, I know the GIS can be inaccurate and a survey is the definitive way, but would the burden of truth not fall onto him to survey his land, if he’s using the same map that shows him on our property? Is showing a warden/sheriff the GIS enough to get him to leave if push came to shove? Is leaving a copy of the map, info from the county, a letter explaining the situation, and our contact info on his blind over stepping?