Afraid I’m not cut out for computer science?

If anyone has any advice or wisdom to impart I would really, really appreciate it.

I’m a student living in Canada and, due to the 2 gap years post high school and course registration problems, I’m basically just starting to get into the meat of computer science now. That means I still have another year or two of university to go.

Since I was young I’ve always loved learning and working on computer science related problems. Throwing myself into projects and spending hours immersing myself in code (albeit not very complex code and I didn’t know what I was doing half the time) has always been very therapeutic and satisfying to me. Once I start it’s difficult to stop. However, I’m debating whether or not I’m truly cut out for this field as a career.

I’ve never excelled at math related subjects and computer science seems to require the same style of thinking. In math related subjects, getting stuck on simple problems, falling behind in lectures then needing to play catchup has been a pattern all throughout high school and university. I used to chalk it up to not applying myself hard enough but even after doing so these past few years, the struggles persist.

I now am starting to believe I simply don’t think fast enough, or lack the short term memory capacity to work out logical problems efficiently compared to others candidates, and am unsure I’ll ever appear as a valuable asset to an employer.

Even if I build up my CS knowledge overtime, I’m most worried about the fact that I can’t ever see myself being quick enough to say, answer a semi-complex question live during an interview or explain something to a colleague when I’m not focused or “in the zone.” It just feels like the mode of thinking required to be an efficient programmer doesn’t come naturally to me, yet I still enjoy learning about it.

I’m terrified because while most people are finishing/already finished their degrees at my age, I haven’t even gotten into the meat of my major yet. I feel like if I’m going to pick a different direction in life it has to be now.