Am I too stupid for programming? Genuine question.

Hello everyone,

I'm 22/F and decided to study software engineering at an university. I've enjoyed it up until now.

Right now, we use Pascal as a programming language. Yes. Pascal. There are literally SO LITTLE resources for pascal online. There are no online courses like leetcode or anything for pascal, only for like python or stuff but I dont know anything about its syntax.

We have a course called "Datastructures and Algorithms" which is connected to the module "programming". We always get programming exercises that we need to solve with the stuff we talked about in the previous lesson.

For example, the last two lessons we talked about arrays: I understood the concept of the index, how to go through an array, etc.

BUT heres the problem: I find our homework so so hard. I find it's almost impossible for me to solve. I feel so stupid.

  1. I don't know how to begin, I don't know where to begin. I don't know how to break the problem down into smaller problems, I don't know when it's small enough to put it into code.

And when I "know" how to solve a problem, after hours, days, weeks of trying, failing, being frustrated it doesnt work the way I want it to work and the entire code is useless because one part specifically doesn't work the way I want it to work.

  1. nested loops with arrays confuse me A LOT. When do I have to use for loops, when do I have to use while loops? Essentially I know, that for loops are used for counting and while loops are used for doing something while a condition is true. However that doesnt always seem to be the case? Sorta?

When I get stuck on my homework, I ask chatgpt (yes, I know its bad, but what am I supposed to do? I have absolutely no idea) how to approach the problem. I send my code to chatgpt, it tells me what to improve, etc etc.. But sometimes I simply don't understand why or how chatgpt would code it like that.

I have many examples if someone wants to help me out and take a look at it (I would really, really appreciate that).

My classmates seem to grasp these concepts so, so fast and they take a maximum of 5 hours for an exercise, meanwhile I sit here for 20+ hours for ONE exercise. I just feel really, really dumb. Obviously it can't be that hard, otherwise our professors wouldnt give us these exercises. It's obviously doable, somehow. Am I lacking intelligence, creative thinking, what is it? I mean I know I'm not the brightest, but.. am I cooked?

I also end up procrastinating and feeling guilty over it because I dont know how to approach these problems and tasks. Its so hard for me. Is programming just not for me?

I also struggle with super simple algorithms like sorting an array, merging two arrays, reversing an array, removing duplicates from an sorted array, ... Like if you would ask me to do something like this, I wouldnt even know where to begin, or how to implement it.

Help, I really want to like it and be good at it.. but it seems so impossible :(

Edit: wow thank u so much guys! I didn't think I would get so many comments and feedback :) I do feel a bit better, I practiced a bit today and I actually had some ideas how to solve a problem, but i couldnt implement it yet haha

I do write my ideas down on paper step by step but sometimes I just have so many ideas or approaches to a problem, and I'm absolutely not sure which one is going to work or which one I'm going to implement - or if it's even possible to solve it the way I solved it on paper! And then translating all of it in code is a nightmare ahhh

I'm trying to read every comment and trying to reply to messages and I'm sorry if I don't instantly respond!