Is stridebreaker bs but necessary to the game?
Out of curiosity, does anyone else think stridebreaker is a similar issue to the game(on a lesser scale) to galeforce? Galeforce got removed because giving adcs extra mobility was unfair/unhealthy according to riot. However, giving champions a slight dash, a slow and waveclear in an item is fine? Garen's the biggest culprit of this with his phaserush stridebreaker combo making it impossible to kite him, but there are others that make use of this item to give their champion something that isn't inherit in their kit or class. Champions like: Sett, Yone, Yasuo, Tryndamere, Fiora, Jax, Aatrox, Nocturne, Riven, Warwick, etc. (Not saying these champions build it all the time but I've seen it happen lol) The reason I think it could be argued that it's a necessary item though is because of a problem that Riot created, mobility creep. But if bruisers get this item to combat that issue, and assassins can get voltaic, so no matter what, if they get in range of a squishy, that person can't get away, why remove galeforce? Feels a bit hypocritical. Or maybe I'm missing something big and this item is balanced/healthy for the game?