Game is dead?
I'm iron 4 in this season and if there was a lower rank I would be there, lost like 5 games in a row yesterday.
People in iron 4 last hit minions, do drakes as they spawn, steal jungle, invade at the beggining, wave control, do jungle as fast as they can to get the crabs first, understand the mechanics and have map knowledge.
Like do I have to watch lil youtube videos to learn? Do I have to be all sweaty to rank up in LITERALLY IRON IV? The LOWEST rank in LoL? Is it possible to have a chill fun game and not focus on a certain lane and champion to master it to rank up from the lowest rank in LoL? I have to use champion names on top instead of the player name because there are thousands of skins.
Laugh all you want, I'll join you because I'm laughing my ass off right now as I type this. The game gets harder and harder as new champions are added and stuff changed, players have to know what every champion does and there are 169 - this game does not attract new players, the game will eventually die, not soon but it will.
Is it like this every season start or am I missing something?
-A guy that lost 5 games in a row in Iron 4 EUW that started playing in season 5, the season they changed summoner's rift.
You can call me a noob, rant over.