As a low elo player i'm losing hope

As of lately I've been stuck in between bronze 3 - to bronze 1, mostly bronze 3 - 2. Constantly going up and down. I get it maybe I'm where I'm supposed to be, and that's ok. Maybe I'm supposed to be ranked lower, I don't know. It just feels really bad and disheartening feeling like I can't do anything. I know I'm not perfect nor do I claim to be, but as an adc main I just feel hopeless. I try to win lane, try to take proper fights, try to cs to the best of my ability. It's all a work in progress. I just don't know what to do when the other half of the map just feeds or gives up and decides they don't want to play the match anymore. What can I do to just get a little more motivation or enthusiasm to keep pushing through trying to self improve? Especially when I just feel like everything is out of my control and nothing I do can change the outcome unless I play everything pixel perfect, and even then that may not be enough. Sorry if I'm rambling, I'm just really down in the dumps and any words of advice or encouragement is greatly appreciated.