14.11 Patch Preview

Hi everyone and welcome to Patch 14.11!

Overall, the patch has landed reasonably balance wise for things that changed.

Lane Swaps

  • They've been a hot topic of conversation over the course of MSI

  • While we think some of this was teams adapting to player matchup diffs over time, in some cases, it's more optimal than we'd like (eg. double ranged bot lanes)

  • While a few lane swaps every now and then is favorable for the viewer experience, every game is too far

  • We'll be adjusting the fortification and first turret gold values as a result


  • K'Sante has also been a hot topic from MSI

  • While there have been some favorable matchups into him, he was generally not exploitable enough

  • In the short term, we're making some targeted changes to reduce just how much damage he can soak with W. We also intend to take a larger stab at some of his kit shape to give him sharper strengths and weaknesses, but that will take some time

  • Given that he has optionality between tanking and fighting, he probably also shouldn't be so generally durable

Marksmen Generally

  • Marksmen after the changes to snowballing, experience are now at similar levels of durability to the durability patch

  • They also seem very strong, but we're waiting on more information before acting in a significant way

  • We intend to tune around this rough level of durability and nerf other things like damage, etc. if they are too strong

Marksman First Items

  • Overall, Marksmen first items seems close

  • Kraken/Collector/ER/IE are all viable options of varying strength

  • We believe Collector and IE are a bit on the strong side and ER a little on the weak side

  • Shiv has struggled to find an audience, we're looking to move it further into the on-hit space and it is also pretty underpowered

Post Hotfix

  • Our hotfix has overall put Blackfire Torch and Ashes in a reasonable spot

  • It is intended that Ashes is a strong item for AP junglers, hence why it was generically nerfed, rather than nerfing the jungle specifically

  • Draven was slightly overnerfed, but we expect him to recoup some of this power once players fully swap over to Bloodthirster


  • Smolder has landed in a bit of a weird spot; Tri Force overall is offering a bit of a better package than Essence Reaver overall

  • We would like Sheen items to be viable on him, and also to have some Crit builds and some non Crit builds


  • Post 14.10 changes, we're mainly focused on taking larger swings at nerfing healing, buffing weak champions, nerfing fighters further

  • We're also taking a further swing at outlier legendary and prismatic items

  • Buffs targeted at Ekko, Fizz, LB, Corki [he had a bunch of Arena specific nerfs that no longer make sense], Viktor, Ziggs, Akshan

  • Nerfs targeted at Darius, Vi, Rhaast, Gragas, Garen, Trundle, Vlad, Aatrox, Briar


  • Main strategy is to remove buff/nerf modifiers that no longer make sense and followups to the 14.10 changes landing

  • Buffs to Corki, Ezreal, Yasuo, Yone, MF

  • Nerfs to Shen, Veigar, Akshan, Morgana, Nautrilus, Hwei, Skarner


Credit to /u/FrankTheBoxMonster for PBE changes.

>>> Champion Buffs <<<



  • Base HP increased 600 >>> 630
  • Armor per level increased 4.2 >>> 4.7




Master Yi




  • [Hold-Q] Comet Spear added AP ratio 0% >>> 50%

  • [W] Shield Vault damage changed 60/100/140/180/220 (+100% AP) physical damage >>> 5/5.5/6/6.5/7% (+0.4% per 100 bHP) (+1.5% per 100 AP) target's HP physical damage (50-200 flat against monsters)

  • [Empowered-E] Aegis Assault now grants 5/11.5/18/24.5/30 (+2.5% bHP) Armor and Magic Resistance for 4 seconds



>>> Champion Nerfs <<<







>>> Champion Adjustments <<<

Recommended Items/Runes Sweep

  • Draven, Ezreal, Gangplank, Sivir, Smolder, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone


  • [P] Living Forge changes:
    • All Legendary items (sans Tear and Support Items, Mejai's, and Wardstone) can now be upgraded. Masterwork items currently no longer have unique names.
    • Masterwork items grant a mostly fixed 1000 gold value amount of stats split mostly evenly. HP becomes less valuable when paired with other stats.
    • The item which gets upgraded is still the first Legendary slotted in your inventory.



>>> System Buffs <<<

Absorb Life

Cut Down

Immortal Shieldbow

Statikk Shiv

>>> System Nerfs <<<

Infinity Edge

>>> System Adjustments <<<

Essence Reaver vs. Collector

Lane Swapping