How did Jesus Christ deal with His sexual needs and desires?
How did Jesus Christ deal with His sexual needs and desires while He was in a mortal body? As far as I know, He wasn't married, and we definitely know He didn't have any children. I know He was perfect and without sin. So, the Son of God may very well have dealt with His sexual needs, desires, and urges in a way that was without sin. But how? And what can we single people do to deal with our sexual needs in a way that the Savior would appreciate?
A June 2005 Ensign article states:
In this matter of chastity, we are not at the mercy of our physical bodies. We are moral agents, and these purported “needs” are no different than any other choices we face in mortality. We can choose obedience and spiritual life, or we can choose captivity, misery, and spiritual death.
But just how true is that?