Think Before You Apply
If you’re reading this and you are torn between choosing a big school with big debt, and a small school with small debt. Choose the small school unless you’re absolutely positive you’re going to do big law.
The line that you have to have a big name degree to get a good job is BS, I work for the largest firm in one of the wealthiest counties in the U.S. and I went to a school that is no longer even in the top 100. My coworkers went to T25s or better. The difference between us? Well, they have JDs, I have one too. They have bar cards, I have one too. They make good money, I do too. But they owe 150 grand or more, I owe nothing. They’re stuck working the hours we work because they can’t quit, I work these hours because I enjoy it.
This decision will literally change your life one way or the other. I can promise you one thing though, your freedom doesn’t have a price and if you choose big debt for a big name, you’re taking a potentially life altering risk. Some win big, some lose big. But do not let snobbery factor into your choice. If you want that big school because you need it to go where you want in law, go for it, but if you’re doing it because of social pressure or pride, don’t do it. Your peers won’t pay your debt.
Yeah, this may be obvious, but I felt inclined to post after a coworker had a panic attack in her office because she feels she can’t quit due to student loan debt and the job is a LOT.