Sub 2.5 GPA/34 applications Cycle Recap:

Sub 2.5 GPA/173/2 years WE/T3 Softs/nURM

Goals: biglaw -> PI

Background: Miserable childhood and extremely depressed during undergrad. I withdrew once, been academically suspended, and had nothing on my resume. Ultimately, it took me 7 years to barely graduate in 2022. My life changed when I met my partner shortly after graduation. She kept me accountable and pushed me. Even at my lowest points, she looked at me with the same eyes as she does now. Every single action I have taken since meeting her revolved around making myself a better person and a better candidate for law school.

Process: Retook the LSAT four times. Was not able to obtain an Academic LoR and was able to apply using one LoR from my employer and one from my volunteer supervisor. If I had to do this process all over again, I would not have applied to so many schools. The application process was just as tiring as studying for the LSAT lol.

Decision: I am extremely grateful to be accepted into WashU with $$.5. Will be most likely attending WashU but also riding GULC and Cornell waitlists.

Thoughts: I sympathize with super splitters so much because I know how hard this journey is with a low GPA. Every day I wondered to myself if this was even worth it and I’ve wanted to quit so many times. Seeing the St. Louis caller ID was the most relieving feeling of my life. The clean slate that I was seeking for so long was here. My past is dead now and I have so much more life to live.