Do I have a chance?
I want to know the general opinion on whether or not I stand a chance to get a second postdoc position, obtain a grant, and make it to faculty
I have worked in the same lab for 8yrs (5yrs graduate, 3yrs postdoc). I have 2 first author pubs (1 bioXriv, 1 Cell Reports) and 10 co-authors. My expertise is in microglial trem2 signaling and lysosomes/glycosylation.
I want to take on a second postdoc ~3yrs in a lab that incorporates another area of research, ideally brain barrier signaling so that I can establish in the niche investigating crosstalk and feedback loops between brain barriers and microglia. I also want to apply for a grant as the "PI". So I would like to take my one last remaining shot at a K99, then explore other options like K22, R03, or R21.
I have been a little discouraged by PIs I have talked to that I am interested in working for because they have either completely written me off, suggest someone more "in my lane" (ie to do with lysosomes), or dont buy into me being able to obtain funding.
I don't know what I am missing or if I am going about things wrong. I dont know if I am competitive or not.
Any opinions or advice would be helpful. Thanks!