my kitten passed away yesterday and i’m having a hard time processing it.
my Anakin was a little feral stray from my underneath my grandmothers. He was abandoned and alone for 3 days. I fell in love the moment I saw him and took him home. I took him to the vet the next day for shots and they told me to come back in a month since they didn’t think he was old enough for shots. Unfortunately the vet didn’t warn me about feline panleukopenia. I had him for a month, and this past sunday he fell very sick. I noticed he had a really hard time pooping and I thought it was from being constipated. I tried the best I could to help him, but I couldn’t afford a visit to the vet since I just recently had my support animal become paralyzed. I spent all my money on her vet visits I wasn’t expecting Anakin to get sick. I called so many places to help me. I didn’t know what was wrong with him. I feel so guilty for the pain he went through. He passed on Wednesday around 3:45 am. I was supposed to finally take him for his shots this week. I feel awful and I hope he didn’t feel alone when he died as he didn’t want to cuddle anymore, he would just want to be alone. I placed him on a stroller with a water bowl, bed, and heating pad, and I woke up around 4 in the morning to find him gone. I miss him so much. I’ve always wanted a cat and i’m so sad he’s gone. He was the most amazing cat ever. I’ve never met anyone like him. I’m such a mess.