Free public domain ebooks
Being Christmas and new adopters will be dropping in here I just wanted to offer a couple.of suggestions on getting some free classics for your new Kindle.
Project Gutenberg is probably the most well known source of public domain ebooks loads of classics and works from the ancient world. They might not always look pretty compared to a purchased modern book with proofreading and formatting but are entirely readable. They offer 'kindle' downloads that are .mobi files you can easily drop into.your documents folder and they immediately appear in your library no need for calibre or any file conversion.
Standard eBooks offers a lot of the same titles that can be found on Project Gutenberg but the site is operated by volunteers who format these older books with better proofreading, formatting and just a more modern experience rather than more of a stripped down .txt file style copy you'd find on Gutenberg offers same ease of offering a Kindle ready format that can be dropped directly into Documents folder. They offer a lot of sorting options by subject, length, etc.
Finally Global Grey Books which is sort of a combination between the two aboves the main difference is it's maintained by one person. She offers many curated lists including Guardians 100 Beat Novels Written In English, Pulitzer Prize Winners, Harvard Classics, Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library, Banned Books and more. She also offers collections like the complete Anne Of Green Gables, Hardy Boys, Oz and mamy more..Same as the two above offers both .mobi and .azw3 formats that can be immediately dropped into documents folder and will appear immediately in your library.
One great thing about Kindle is having access to these classics that you wouldn't necessarily want to carry around on your person. It might not be practical to carry Decline and Fall Of The Roman Empire or Count or Monte Cristo on any given day but having them on Kindle is not inconvenient. In addition the built in dictionary allows immediate access to some of the more archaic words you come across in these classic titles you may be unfamiliar with and let's you keep moving along with a quick available definition.
Happy reading everyone. If post isn't allowed, apologies.