Lisinopril caused kidney failure

Several years ago, I was on Lisinopril. At first it was 5 mg. And then was later increased to 10 mg.

On the higher dosage, my creatinine jumped from around 2.0 up to 4.2! And my potassium became dangerously high.

Fortunately, I was able to recover some of that kidney function after discontinuing the drug. But now my doctor would like put me back on a similar drug, partly because of the protective effect they are supposed to impart, and partly because my blood pressure has become very difficult to manage on other drugs.

While it is common knowledge that Lisinopril can cause an initial decrease in kidney function, I'm able to find surprisingly little information about it causing the sort of decline it did for me. It makes it very difficult to make the decision about trying a similar drug.

Has anyone else heard of this, or can link to a study or article that might help me better understand why this happened. I'm not having much luck finding the sort of information that would help me decide the best course of action.