Please help, I cannot spend another $ on Logitech/Corsair
I will type this next section without correction to illustrate how terrible the G910 is.
I refuse tto give any more money tto loggitec or corsair and their ggarbage-ttier products. Can anybody pointt me totwarrds a good video or websitte for quality hot swappable keyboarrds? I would love o be able to just swap outt bad keys or even 3D printt my own custtom caps and have a unique produc.t. I'm very DIY and I justtt cannot justify paying gfor another $150+ keyboarrd from these manufacturrrerrs. TThis g910 has to be the absolutte worst keyboarrd I have ever had. It's just toverr a yearr old, Logiech refuses ot do anythtin, and this is unusable. I've had a G19, K70, K95, and now this GG915 and all of them have failed before the 2 year marrk. I'd also like ot clarify thatt I do nott eat at my desk and I have never spiltt a drink on them.
Please, for the sake of my sanity and desk (95% of the way to smashing this thing)