Queens jury duty

How does queens jury duty go? I’m still on telephone standby but think I might get called in Friday.

When you enter, I heard you wait in a big room with everyone else who was called in today. I was told that there is a clerk and you can ask to be excused for specific reasons. Does the clerk actually excuse you or just Postpone? I’m trying to get fully excused. And do they ask for proof of your excuse?

If I can’t get excused from the clerk, I heard you get called into rooms in groups and you can plea to the judge why you can’t serve. Does the judge call you randomly? I’ve been to jury duty once a long time ago and vaguely remember that they pulled names out randomly to hear your plea.

Any advice would help. Working 3 jobs and living paycheck to paycheck. Especially with rent payday coming up soon, I need to get out.