Official Foxes in the Snow album discussion

Now that the album is out, what does everyone think about it? What are your favorite songs off a first listen? What are some of the lyrics that first stood out to you? Favorite musical moment? And do you have any further appreciation for the singles?

Now because this album is one of Jason’s most personal to date and because of the content of the songs themselves, I hope everyone on here can remain civil. It’s one thing to discuss the lyrics or to give your opinion on the music itself. But it’s another to hurl insults at Jason, Amanda or anyone else because you are making assumptions based on their personal lives. We are merely fans; an audience to the music itself. We don’t know more what is presented to us and this is not a place for gossip and drama. Those type of comments will be removed.

Let’s just try to get lost in the new music and be lucky to have these songs.

Now that the album is out, what does everyone think about it? What are your favorite songs off a first listen? What are some of the lyrics that first stood out to you? Favorite musical moment? And do you have any further appreciation for the singles?

Now because this album is one of Jason’s most personal to date and because of the content of the songs themselves, I hope everyone on here can remain civil. It’s one thing to discuss the lyrics or to give your opinion on the music itself. But it’s another to hurl insults at Jason, Amanda or anyone else because you are making assumptions based on their personal lives. We are merely fans; an audience to the music itself. We don’t know more what is presented to us and this is not a place for gossip and drama. Those type of comments will be removed.

Let’s just try to get lost in the new music and be lucky to have these songs.