Looking for: Nice Kiritsuke/Bunka + Petty combination up to 200€-300€ (wedding present)
Dear friends of good knives,
Does anybody have recommendations for a nice bunka or kiritsuke + a petty combination, stainless/powdered steel, Japanese style handle, nice on the eyes, up 200€(300€)?
I have a wedding coming up (via my spouse) and I think a nice set of knives would be perfect as the gift as it's a young couple moving out for the first time so this will be a nice addition to their household.
I was thinking of a combination of a bunka or kiritsuke + a petty; the budget would be up to 200€ for both (maybe up to 300€ if the knives are very nice and I think its worth the stretch in expense).
While I have some experience with the different Japanese knives, I tend towards high carbon steels as I enjoy the maintenance/sharpening aspects as well. Plus I am careful with the more brittle ones. However, this couple will probably not put that much thought into their knife maintenance/care and as such, I think a "stainless"/powdered steel would be more appropriate. Unfortunately, I don't have too much experience with those...
Thank you so much in advance everyone!
PS: Knives as a present has been cleared with my spouse / is ok in my culture ;-)
Edit: I really liked the look of the Shizu Hamono VG-10 series but the D-shaped, unsymmetric handle is something I don't want to gift to someone of whom I don't know whether they will like it...