question about rules in islam + marriage


Hi, so, I hope this post isn’t breaking any rules.

I personally am not religious, but I respect everyones beliefs, and have a handful of Muslim friends.

I recently have realized that I really really like this guy i know - he is Muslim and does actively practice such beliefs.

I’m aware that there are parameters under Islam that outline how relationships/marriage are to be carried out, but I’m not sure of what exactly all the specifics are.

1) The way my Muslim friends describe it - they aren’t allowed to “date”. But i doubt they plan to just skip straight to marriage either - so what does that in-between look like?

2) secondly, I am under the impression that Muslim (maybe just men) are only to date Muslim women - (or potentially followers of other abrahamic religions?)

If my feelings for this man continue to progress, I may be able to look into converting to another abrahamic religion - seeing as I was raised Christian and have access to resources to fall back into that. And if I’m really that in love, maybe I would end up quite open to converting to Islam.

Anyways, point is, do you guys think I have a chance from a religious/belief based standpoint? and what exactly may that look like for me if I end up making an effort to see how things go with him?

I’m sorry if this is insensitive or if its the wrong place to post this - I mean all of this with the upmost respect, as I’m just curious!
