I believe that doing da’wah gently and embracing the fact we all sin is a better way to preach than what many of our Muslim preachers do with their coarse and harsh style

From what I’ve heard, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a gentle and soft spoken man, who had never spoken ill of anyone without righteous reason or abused someone innocent. From this, I think we can infer he did not yell at and berate deviant Muslims and Kafirs. Unfortunately, on many social media platforms, I see a lot of these preachers ridiculing Christians who don’t know any better in debate, some of them even going to the point of ridiculing Jesus (PBUH) or his mother Mary (even though stooping to that level is thankfully rare from what I’ve seen). A lot of apostates leave this religion because of trauma from their parents or others imposing the religion and forbidding questioning its beliefs. Throughout history, many muslims questioned interpretations of the Quran and Hadith (under halal constrictions, no questioning the validity of the word of Allah), which ultimately lead to the scholarly Islamic culture which flourished during Medieval times, although now I think that culture of piety and discussion is leaving the Ummah. I actually used to know someone who went through a similar struggle, although I don’t know what is going on with them now. My point is that these people might feel the trauma they once felt in their youth, leading them to distance themselves even further from the correct religion. Our truth can only stand out from their falsehood if it is conveyed in good spirit. May Allah bless you all.