Why are people so needy & clingy these days?
Roommates especially. I want to go to breakfast by myself at the local shithole diner, & the roommate will catch me on the way out & want to tag along. Then when I mention I’m going to stay there for 2 hours, they ask why I want to stay so long. Like that’s why I didn’t invite you, so I can without being questioned. And at the house & can’t even go to the bathroom without being having my ear talked off. Sometimes I just go out the back door(My end of the house) & pee in the back yard. This roommate is 39 & I’m 37, so there’s no reason to be that codependent. Or I’ll be on my laptop sitting on my bed & they’ll ask what I’m watching. It’s my personal laptop for a reason. If I wanted to talk I’d sit in living room & watch it on the main tv.