My Aunt Died Of An Overdose Last Night

The county sheriff showed up at my grandparents door. They said they found a body and thought it was their daughter. Someone found her unresponsive and called an ambulance. She was pronounced dead before arriving at the hospital. She died alone. My aunt goes to identify the body today. She's been addicted to meth and alcohol for the last 25 years. The autopsy isn't scheduled yet, but we all now how she died. Everyone in my family treated her like a lost cause. Death is fucked up and I can't stop thinking about who she might have been if anyone in my family had tried to help her. Fuck this. Grief shouldn't be so complicated. She was a horribly abusive mom and I'm hurting for my cousins in so many ways. But she was my aunt and I loved her. Fuck this.

Edit: The person whose comment was deleted was right. My grandparents abused her for her whole life and refused to get her help as a teenager when she was showing CLEAR signs of bipolar disorder. They thought they could beat it out of her. And then when she turned to drugs she was villanized. I'm angry because they killed her as much as the drugs did. My grandfather is an alcoholic and would actively encourage her to drink with him.