Instacart Membership Refund $99
Somehow I was charged the $99 for a one-year Instacart subscription, and since it came out of my Venmo account, which I rarely use, I didn't notice it until the 14-day period that let's you cancel the subscription, without it being an issue, had passed. First I asked Venmo about it, they said to first ask my bank since they took it from my bank. I was about to request that my bank reverse the charge, but they said that they could do it if I said it was fraud, and I didn't feel comfortable with that. I decided to get on Instacart's customer support chat (Virtual Care Assistant) and see what their response would be. The virtual assistant didn't help at first, it gave me a phone number that opens to FaceTime and that wouldn't connect. I tried again with a new chat and then requested a contact phone where I could speak to a human and the virtual assistant asked if it could connect me through chat to a live customer service rep. I said yes and I was connected to a real living
I told the customer service rep my situation, biggest thing that the charge was above my means as I am barely able to pay the roof over my head (which I am thankful I have been able to do until now) and that getting that $99 back was critical for my situation. I told them to check the account and they could see that I wasn't using the service since that one initial order (which was an emergency situation for an event, where they needed some items post haste and I was the one who volunteered to place the order on my phone!).
The person asked me to wait for a moment, then in less than a minute they came back and said they had checked my account and that he had already sent a refund!
Maybe it was that I only used the service that one time for items that you could tell were for an event, and it was a small order. Maybe because I made a good case regarding my situation. Maybe God blessed me with the right rep. Maybe Instacart will consider your situation.
I hope anyone who needs a refund is able to get it!
Hope this helps you!