Jerry Mindset
I am an idiot and an asshole. Born and raised up here on the icecoast. I LOVE the icecoast. As a former instructor I have a lot of patience for people learning and a lot of sympathy for mislabeled "Jerries" just because they're wearing cutoff jorts or some Starter jacket from 1991 but can still rip the fuck out of a 1/4 mile long (about 403 hockey sticks for you metric pricks) sheet of boiler plate ice at full tilt with a smile on their face.
That being said, I have seen too many people skiing outside of their limits today; the true Jerry mindest. Please, if you're going to push your limits, be mindful of others on the mountain and be aware that your actions do have unintended consequences. It's not just you that might get hurt or injured when you fuck up showing off for your girlfriend and her bootfitter when they're sitting a polite distance from eachother on the lift above you.
Stay safe. We have a lot of season left. Love all of you stupid icey fucks.
Edit. I can't spell güd