Garage 61: RPM and more telemetry

The Garage 61 telemetry analyzer focuses on key metrics for your driving style. One important piece of info was missing though: RPM, to figure out when to shift gears for optimal acceleration. Not anymore, it's just been added:

This may feel like a trivial change, and in many ways it is. But look closer and you'll see that there's more to it. RPM was added not as an extra graph, but stacked together with the Gear channel within the same graph. To enable that most of the graph rendering code has been restructured. Not only does it now allow stacking of graphs, it also opens the door for much more complex visualisations.

That last bit matters because we do realize that there's more to telemetry than just driving style. There's a lot of knowledge to be gained from telemetry when doing setup work (e.g. ride heights), which Garage 61 currently isn't useful for. But the plan is to change that: you can expect more telemetry data to become available in the near future (but without compromising the ease-of-use). Do send in your feedback on what telemetry data you want to work with.

In other news: the new iRacing release has landed and a number of updates were made in response:

  • A track map was added for Thruxton. Garage 61 now has more than 400 highly accurate track maps.
  • Setup viewers have been configured for all new cars (Supercars Ford Mustang Gen 3, Supercars Chevrolet Camaro Gen 3, Acura NSX GT3 EVO 22, BMW M2 CS Racing, Ferrari 499P).
  • Numerous other fixes to setup viewers due to updated car models.
  • Updated all car manual links.


  • Added a tooltip with the time when a lap was driven in lap search results.
  • Allow searching for seasons on the overview screen.
  • Additions to the developer API.
  • Fixed broken season filtering due to 2024S4 having 14 weeks.
  • Fixed a bug where some ghost laps would not be synced (caused by accents in names).
  • Fixed links in the "also participated" modal for Safari users.
  • Fixed tire display bug for Safari users.
  • Improved loading experience when navigating between events.
  • Speedups related to filtering setups, initial page load and lap permissions.