You are offered a million dollars to give an 8-hour lecture of any topic of your choosing. Which topic would you feel the most comfortable talking about for that long?
There are a few rules, however.
The lecture is in one day. This gives you enough time to plan out what you'll talk about, and refresh on anything you need to know, but it won't be enough time to fully learn a topic from scratch.
The topic could be about anything, real or fictional. If fictional, it has to be something that exists already, and not something you made up for the purpose of the lecture.
It has to be a single topic, and it can't be too general. For example, you can't choose "history", but you can choose to talk about the history of something specific, like a certain country or a war.
You have to be the one talking most of the time. You can ask questions and have audience participation, but the idea is that you are talking and not trying to kill time doing activities, movies, etc.
You have to give your own thoughts, ideas or your own interpretation of the subject for most of the time. For example, you can't read an entire novel, or read aloud the numbers of Pi until the time is over.
If it's important to know, your audience is a group of about 50 people who are genuinely interested in learning about your topic. It will be given in a university lecture room.
Do you do the lecture? Or reject the offer?