About "posting yeens until..."

I apologize in advance but I will discontinue the daily hyena series, due to changes Reddit is making. A full explaination on why is in the entirety of this post:

It has now been announced that Reddit has made a deal and will be using user generated content on this platform to train AI models for an "unnamed large ai company". More info on that can be found in this article: https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/17/24075670/reddit-ai-training-license-deal-user-content As usual this has been announced abruptly just like the API change (which is why third party apps no longer work.) The official Reddit App is a broken disaster. Changes like this should be properly discussed with the users and not just forced upon them, just like again with the API change. Reddit no longer values it's users and sees them as an annoying free product to make a huge profit and now use them to develop morally and legally questionable software. They know their users don't like this, they don't care and bully people into stopping protests.

AI can be a useful tool, if it's legally regulated and the people who's content is used for training it are properly informed + aware of it, compensated and credited. Which here, as usual, isn't the case. Proper laws for AI tools, how they are trained and the content they are trained with need to be created and enforced.

I do not agree that anything I've contributed to Reddit shall be used for an AI training model and I no longer feel comfortable using this platform anymore.

I have finally had it with Reddit.

I am really sorry but this is where daily hyena post series comes to an end. I will definitely post and update once or if I do get a chance to pet one, bit that could take a while.

I thank all of you for the kind comments on my posts and following the series. My main goal here the last few years, besides maybe petting a hyena, was uplifting your day just a little with a silly post, caption and a hyena. I seem to have achieved that.

Thank you all again. - McUsername621