Figuring out HSP things

I was diagnosed as an HSP a few months ago, but I’m still figuring out what things are actually related to it and what aren’t. I wanted to list some experiences I have to see if anyone here relates:

Unexpected sounds scare me, even if I know they’re coming but don’t know exactly when.

I hear more than others, and it’s overwhelming, it gives me headaches.

I need constant stimulation and can’t seem to focus on just one thing. I sometimes cry when I see my boyfriend just because of how handsome he is and how much I love him.

If I don’t feel safe or comfortable somewhere, my entire body feels off. My stomach hurts, and my glucose levels drop.

Some smells that others find mild feel overwhelmingly strong to me, to the point where I almost throw up or need to leave the room because I get dizzy.

When I get criticism, it sticks with me, and I struggle to enjoy that thing for a while.

Sometimes I just know when something is wrong, even if I have no actual clues. I’ll be talking to someone, and I can just tell they’re not feeling okay.

When people don’t reply to me I also feel really bad, as if they were ignoring me. Or as if I had done something wrong.