Vampire Hunter D

Just saw a post asking people to share their favorite vampire stories and it made me think of the Vampire Hunter D series. I’m sure some of you have seen the anime movies, which absolutely rule, but the books are phenomenal as well. Fast-paced pulp novels about a post apocalyptic earth, where vampire nobility has ruled humanity for thousands of years. It has elements of horror (obvi), western, science fiction, occult, Lovecraftian/cosmic horror, and detective/noir/mystery. It truly has everything I love. And there’s something like 40 novels published since the early 80s!

The audiobooks are good, but many of the novels are available online for free in PDF format. Each book has something like 8 to 10 beautiful illustrations sprinkled throughout, so I would suggest the PDF versions.

If anyone here has read any of the novels, I would love to hear your thoughts!