Any good modern (2020 - 2024) creature feature with cool monster design?
I love all kind of creatures, monsters or aliens in movies. The scarier the better. I like when movie got some lore about mentioned antagonists but this is not necessary, just cherry on a cake. I hope to find modern movies like Aliens series, Predator series, Project Cloverfield, 30 days of night, The Thing, or some werewolves or zombie movies as well. I like classic take on horrors, not some fancy (boring for me) stuff like Ari Aster's Hereditary (my wife literally fall asleep on that one) or Midsommar (it was painfull cringey) or Get out. From newer one i liked Talk to me, Smile, Barbarians or Last voyage of Demeter. I woudl also like if someone will recommend some tv show with good monsters in it. Found footage be welcome as well.