We can stand together while still recognizing our differences
I don't give a fuck who is valid anymore. If you believe you need medical intervention and a gender market change to live your best life then we are the same side. Blaming the weirdos or insisting that my diagnosis makes me truly valid might feel good but its just useless cope. The people out to get us don't give a fuck if we are dysphoric, non-binary, AGP, or whatever the fuck else. Whining about trenders, etc didn't help keep us from getting to this point and it won't get us out of it.
I may still have my views and my opinions but they just seems so insignificant compared to what we are all facing.
Unity is the only path forward now. We don't have the luxury of infighting. Let's help eachother through this and then once we are on the other side we can get back to taking out our insecurities and calling eachother names.