Is it safe to replace your window?

I was thinking of replacing my bedroom window bc a lot of road noise comes in. I was hoping that a better window would cancel out that noise better, insofar as the noise actually mostly comes through the window and not the walls. But here is my worry. Wouldn't that make it risky with asbestos? I read that asbestos is often built into outside walls. Taking out the current window for a same sized window would create some debris in my living space. I am very concerned about that. There is also another area where I wanted to add a window to a non existing window space. But again, wouldn't asbestos fibers be dispersed by breaking the existing wall? One time a windows contractor came to give me a code and said, "Oh yeah that's a bad material, and even though it's been banned for many uses it's still being used today, that's why I have this job and I'm not the one making the windows." Then he just laughed but I'm concerned. My home is from 1998 just for your info