Blackheart's bay is bad design
The layout of this map looks all normal on the surface, but when you are playing on it and lose the first objective, it becomes apparent why over 90% of Blackhearts Bay matches are won by the team who gets the first turn-in, and 51.7% of the time the losing team did not get a single turn-in. This is because the objective is very uninteractive as unlike on maps like Tomb of the Spider Queen where you can at least focus fire the webweavers to control damage, here you cannot do anything to stop blackheart, who will guaranteedly demolish the mid fort. This leads to a lack of vision & safety of the mid-top rotation and doubloon camps, leading to a great risk of getting ganked. Losing bottom fort is even worse, as bottom lane has natural ganking paths covered by smokescreens, leading to mass chaos. The objective itself is stronger than Hanamura's, but it is also spammable, often the winning team just sits on the point chaining turn-ins and grabbing money from the nearby chest & camps. The defending team must camp the turn-in constantly as there is no down-time between objectives unlike other maps like BOE or XOF. If the defending team is always atleast one member down because they need to camp the turn-in, the enemy team can just take all camps and steal the other teams camps or push buildings as they are 5v4. If the defending team does not camp turn-in, the winning team just chains turn ins until its GG. In conclusion, this map needs to be removed or reworked, I think all can agree that its too snowbally and in a dire need of a refresher.