Intractable and never ending postural headaches ?
I have this chronic postural headache and head pressure going on for almost 2 years now. This started for me with my last covid infection and has gotten worst in the last 20 odd months.
Multiple brain MRIs, MRVs, angiogram, lumbar puncture and other tests didn’t find anything wrong.
The diagnosis from the doctors in chronic migraines. Though I strongly suspect something clearly wrong somewhere in my body which is triggering these headaches.
The best way I could describe these headaches is they are more pressure and achy at the back of the head, most of the time. Sometimes the pain goes at the top of head, behind the eyes, over the ears, and tension type. There are occasions when they trigger a full blown migraine like headaches along with noise and light sensitivity. Gets worst with lifting and postural changes. Sitting in a chair, couch, car seats is a big NO as they make everything 10x worst. Neck flexion starts it right away. Sleeping posture (tried flat pillows, no pillows, neck pillows, thin pillows, cervical pillows, stuffed toys - they are least problematic) is so painful. I haven’t had a single day in the last 24 months when I haven’t struggled to sleep laying down.
Lying down if I am able to adjust my head/ neck on multiple layers on pillows is probably the best. Pillow under the upper back while laying down is a huge relief. Other is being upright and walking slowly.
All the docs I have seen so far (over 5+ headache specialists) have denied these being cervicogenic headaches or occipital neuralgia.
Things which help to lower the intensity of these headaches - magnesium, NSAIDs.
Anyone has ever experienced this ?