Which commonly disliked character you actually like?
For me, it's Percy Weasley. He doesn't have a lot of fans out here and is seen as mostly irritating, which is understandable, but I think he's actually well written and reasonable character, who is very underrated. I would say he is the best created side character. Ambitious, complex, not fitting in with his own family. He simultaneously cares for them and abandons them at the same time. With dynamic character development and redemption arc. I'd even say that if you watch the story from his perspective it's no wonder he lost trust in Dumbledore and cut off contact with his family (I'm not saying he did the right thing).
The other such character, but it's only half controversial like that, is Dumbledore. I've noticed that a lot of people in the fandom see him in a very one-dimensional way and see him as such a 'necessary evil', which is quite funny. Like he's the kind of manipulator who wants to achieve his own ends at all costs. I couldn't disagree more, but I just appreciate all his obvious and non-obvious flaws. An intriguing character. Like Snape, but I don't like Snape because he annoys me.
What about yours?