My first Fendi bag and I am disappointed 😰
Bought this beautiful bag at Fendi in Berlin. This is my first Fendi but I do have some YSL and Gucci bags. This one set me back 2800 € and it is not even made of leather but jacquard with leather details. I did not pay any particular attention to the stitching etc while buying it since I just assumed that it would be top notch quality. But upon inspection at home I realised that the stitching is not perfect, the leather at the side of the flaps will brake quite easily and a couple of other details. I got in touch with the sales assistant and she asked me to send her some pictures. She called back telling me that this is normal since the bag is handmade! WTF!! For 2800 EUR/3300 USD/2400 GBP I expect perfection. What to you think? Luckily, the do offer 15 days return policy but still…