Igniters become more dangerous as Time flies...

Imagine if the Blight came back in World War I (or maybe World War II), the Igniters would look more menacing thanks to the invention of Flamethrowers. Still, beware. Civilians will still throw Molotov Cocktails as well as Oil Lamps.

No, it's not a Soldier of the Wehrmacht holding an American Flamethrower. It's an American trooper with a winter Greatcoat. Also, he's been freshly infected due to the absence of bullet wounds. He caught it because the disease is airborne.

Imagine if the Blight came back in World War I (or maybe World War II), the Igniters would look more menacing thanks to the invention of Flamethrowers. Still, beware. Civilians will still throw Molotov Cocktails as well as Oil Lamps.

No, it's not a Soldier of the Wehrmacht holding an American Flamethrower. It's an American trooper with a winter Greatcoat. Also, he's been freshly infected due to the absence of bullet wounds. He caught it because the disease is airborne.