Is there a way to see report history?
Edit: I think I worded this weirdly because it seems to be coming across that I think that delivery drivers do this- especially months later. I don’t think that. I was asked to think of any possible people who would have done that, and to me, that’s “think of anyone who could be mad at you” and since I spend the vast majority of time at home and the only people who visit are friends and delivery drivers- that’s the ONLY person I could think of even having a chance of doing it. Drivers are at the bottom of my list of “suspects” but because the list consists of no one else, it’s all I have to look into.
Somebody just targeted my house and damaged my car and the only people I could think of that would do this is either a scorned Grubhub driver (I tip well and I’ve only ever reported 1 person for BLATANTLY stealing my food, although it was many months ago so I doubt it was them), someone from my school (again, unlikely since the vast majority of my classes are online and I really only go into school for in-person tests where I talk to no one), or someone who has a car like mine (they’re decently popular in my city- even in the same color) drove like an ass and pissed someone off who came to get revenge and for some reason decided to fuck my car up on accident (although this again doesn’t seem to plausible as they were specifically looking for my house based off video).
I don’t think it’s the guy who delivered months ago as that’s a long ass time to hold a grudge, but I really can’t think of anyone else who would dislike me AND know my address. Is there a way to see a history of drivers you’ve reported on the app? I want to see if the car they drove is the same as the one that hit me.