Barking dogs, but not against ordinance?

Our neighbors dogs bark at everything, and because of the size and shape of our property, they are no more than a few dozen feet from us regardless of where we are in the house. We have essentially stopped using our deck/yard because if we so much as open the door while they’re out we get barked at. They’re generally friendly and know us pretty well, not aggressive, just not well trained. Our neighbors apologize and will bring them in if we ask, but not until we go knock on their door. I believe they go to work early, letting them out before they leave, and then a couple times at night.

Problem is, from what I can tell, none of what they’re doing is against noise ordinance, as it’s during the day and they only bark in 5-10 minute bursts. We also generally like our neighbors and don’t want to resort to calling the cops or anything.

Is there anything we can do besides move? I miss sitting outside without having to drive to a park. Open to any ideas.