I got into MIT!!!!!

Well, this has just been the craziest month of my life. 2 weeks ago I received an email titled ‘Wonderful News,’ that I almost deleted thinking it was spam. It turned out to be an acceptance from a doctorate program at Harvard!!! I absolutely love their research, and since I was very, very nervous about hearing back, this seemed like the most surprising (and wonderful) news I could get, until…yesterday.

I’d just woken up from a mid-afternoon nap (lolz) and I saw a missed call on my phone, along with an email from a faculty member at MIT, asking me to call them back when I could. I called, it went to voice mail, and at this point I’m thinking only an absolute fool sleeps through a possible acceptance call from MIT.

Luckily, they called me ten minutes later, and I finally got to hear that I’d been accepted for my PhD at MIT.

What is life!!!!! I’m not sure which program I will end up picking, but I’m going to take a breath and forget about decisions for now.

I couldn’t have imagined any of this - a year ago, I didn’t believe I had it in me to get a graduate degree, and thought it’d be a miracle to even get into a single program. I hope this doesn’t come off as a humble brag, because this is all truly wild to me. I considered not posting this, but I remembered that every time I’ve seen an acceptance post these past couple of months it made me smile.

I wish everyone waiting on decisions the best of luck, and everyone’s who’s received good news, a hearty congratulations!!!