How did YOU solve 2D camera smoothing stuttering/jittering?
Ticking the "smoothing" in Camera2D cause stuttering/jittering of the followed sprite (player for example).
I've seen this in multiple places (including HeartBeast's RPG tutorial, and somewhat in here), and i'm not sure whats the correct solution here.
Changing camera to process mode to physics doesnt help or do anything at all.
So how did YOU solve that? if at all? do we accept this bug? or are there conditions which this doesnt happen?
My solution is within the code so im not happy about it, i'll put it here just for reference/discussion, I basically just rounded the player position so its "pixel perfect" instead of something like 42.14154812093333319:
# , called at _physics_process
func fix_camera_jitter():
if not $PlayerStateMachine.is_moving():
position = position.round()