I don't want to do anything

16 years old male. I have absolutely no motivation for anything. I don't want to do anything. Nothing interests me except things that waste my time like video games or social media. I've gotten to the point where I started to miss weeks of school on end I simply can't muster myself to go... My parents are way too busy with their own work telling me how stressed this makes them. I've tried therapy I've tried all the methods I've tried anything and everything and nothing has seemed to do anything. I can't do this anymore all I want to do is either stay in bed or kill myself. What do I do. Is there anything am I just doomed? I don't have the drive to fix myself either I don't want to fix myself I don't want to get better I don't want to do anything at all besides things that I enjoy I don't know what to do because I've heard all this advice I can get but I don't want to get better.