What will happen with the upcoming elections in Germany?

Been 10+ years in Germany but never had this feeling before. I'm very less interested in politics (even about my home country) but the current political news keeps me thinking, especially about the lady who is all over the news. She reminds me of that strict school teacher everyone is afraid of. Lol. I will first admit that I'm not against anyone nor the governmental decisions of Germany regarding immigration, education and all. In fact I came up through German education system by pursuing university degrees (bachelors and double masters). For this reason, I am very thankful to the system here that has allowed me to do so, as a result of which I can say I have a very good and stable job. I listened her conversation with Musk and she tells that the education system is so bad for the children and young people, is it really the case? My experience with the university says otherwise. Also, what do you say about her agenda of re-activating nuclear plants in Germany? Cheap energy, yes. Carbon free, yes but what about the consequences of nuclear plant mishaps and the management of wastes. Shouldn't Germany be a good role model for other countries? The focus on renewable energies should be the priority not something that has already known to be devastating. With all her political views and the way she expresses them, I really don't like it at all. Haha. That's not my energy. What are your opinions? Just curious.